I plan to marry and live in Pampanga Philippines a sweet lady i've know over 4 years. I live in the US. What do I need to live there like document, shots, etc.
Immigration - 8 Answers
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1 :
WHy not ? Apply for an Philippines VISA and may try to get some foot-hold their.
2 :
call your local health department.
3 :
.Why, have you ever been there? unless you are real wealthy you are better off right where you are, bring her to U.S, My dad lives there, but he is wealthy, I've been twice, but I still don't like it there. The weather is unbearable!! But if you must, get every shot available, passport is a must, Don't drink the water( Bottle Water only!) It must be true LOVE if you are willing to go, Best of Luck to you & your future wife
4 :
Your U.S.dollar will go a long way and live comfortably if you're financially well off . I hope the site below will be of help. Good luck.
5 :
try their government website: http://www.gov.ph/
6 :
i lived in PH for 3 years & enjoyed it very much. all you need is your passport. on entry u get a 2mth. visa that can be renewed in 2mth. intervals for 12mths. if you marry u can apply for permanent residency. as far as shots go see a travel doctor before going.
7 :
Let me guess.... Angeles City? Take money, plenty of money. You'll need lots of money to live there.
8 :
You can get an automatic 21 day visa in arrival. Then just extend it here in pampanga for up to a year. No shots necessary to live in Pampanga. It's no big deal living here. It's not pretty though. If your coming to Angeles City you'll find all you need here. I'm living here 12 years now. Just take it slow with the girl you want to marry. Your most difficult part of this trip will be sizing here up. vance
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