Saturday, September 1, 2012

If a strong acid has a pH of 1, a strong base has a pH of 14, and water has a pH of 7, does catalase work

If a strong acid has a pH of 1, a strong base has a pH of 14, and water has a pH of 7, does catalase work...?
1. If a strong acid has a pH of 1, a strong base has a pH of 14, and water has a pH of 7, does catalase work best in an acid, base, or neutral environment? Explain. 2. Predict ways in which pH affects the chemical reactions in living cells.
Biology - 1 Answers
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Think about the structure of catalase. Enzymes are just protein, and proteins have specific ranges of pH in which they work best. Generally speaking, extremely acidic or basic conditions risk denaturing proteins, however each is different. This will help in answering both questions.

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